Action Tresholds

What are action protocols described as in relation to the external world?

Internal metabolic signatures of the external world.

What concept is introduced in the “Action Thresholds” article?

Action thresholds.

What is happening among the internal relations (habitas) of entities and beings in any given moment?

Trillions upon trillions of action protocols operating at different spatial and temporal scales.

What two actions are part of the “two-step dance” of sense-making?

Actions at one scale unfold new external relations, while actions at another scale infold new action protocols.

How do actions contribute to the whole?

Most contribute to the background potential state, while only the few, stronger and coordinated actions reach above a threshold.

What happens when actions reach above a threshold?

Activities at the deeper level become realized as action-taken at the higher scale.

What can a realized action be?

Merely consciousness of something--- like a shift in mood, or worrisome thought--- or can be a movement that makes a sound or propels the animal.

What does the new awareness, thought, sound making or movement constitute?

The new context at the apex of the sense-making up-hierarchy, a context that in turn creates a global update “headed back down”.

What happens below a certain threshold?

The perceptual event is not something the child experiences but susbsists as latent potential in the codex of the action potentials.

What do the sum total of action protocols compose?

Complex potential states.

How can we think of the potential state?

As “subsisting” on one side of an event horizon, and the actual realized state as existing on the other side of it.

What is the potential state described as?

A stream brimming with pluripotentiality.

According to William E. Connolly, what happens to potentials that are not selected?

Those not selected are in a sense “left behind,” but they are not eliminated, and remain available for future vibrations.

What does this pluripotentiality constitute?

The numinous causal field.

What would correctly situate the body within the field of possibility and its role as a causal agent?

A New Theory of the Body.

Why is there a “sense-making crisis” today?

Because we are separated from our body and nature --- the lving ground and origin of all sense-fullness.