Action Protocols
What are action protocols, according to the text?
A kind of inner form that directs bodily activities, existing in different levels or grades in different living beings and animate entities, executing their degrees of freedom, as they tend toward relationships in the natural order.
Action protocols are described as “internal metabolic signatures of the external world.” What does “metabolism” refer to in this context?
Internal activity.
What does “signature” mean in the context of action protocols being “internal metabolic signatures of the external world?”
Specific and reflective of the external activity.
What kind of relationship exists between external actions and internal resonance in the context of action protocols?
Every external action has an equal and reflective internal resonance.
Does the text suggest that a tree stamps an image in the mind?
No, the tree has direct access to metabolic agents and their cascading resonance through perceptual activity.
What does the effect of a tree on metabolic agents constitute?
The ever-evolving action protocols of the self.
How does the text describe the relationship between action protocols and action potentials in neurons?
Action protocols are more complex than action potentials, which are a measure of ion capacitance and synaptic flow. Action protocols are shaped by a neuron’s relations within a global ecosystem.
What is the role of a neuron in its local habitat?
It is the terminus of the sense-making up-hierarchy at that scale, making sense for its internal members and contributing to its external relationships.
According to the text, how does the information from actions taken become a perceptual experience?
First traveling in parallel streams through sense-making networks, the information becomes increasingly more convergent along pathways that reach toward a perceptual experience.
Why is the “tree-me” experience unique, according to the text?
Because of its vast complexity and participatory immediacy, it will never exist again in that particular way. Only a generalized trace of it might be brought forth by a low-resolution replay of memory.
In the context of the sensemaking up-hierarchy, what does “coherence” mean?
A functional context in which each local actor can receive information in a way that “makes greater sense” to them.
What is the role of affect-laden desire in perception, as mentioned in a footnote?
Perception is an active participatory function with affect-laden desire designed to “go somewhere”.